Confessions Of A Baby Sign Language Mom by Misty Weaver

Confessions Of A Baby Sign Language Mom

As the mother of a two-year-old boy I am a big fan of baby signing - but this wasn't always the case! My first experience of signing with my baby very nearly put me off for good...

I took my little girl, Kaeden, to our first baby signing class when she was only two weeks old. I was desperate to get out of the house, and the baby signing tutor said the class was suitable from birth - and would be great fun. Ha!

Kaeden and I turned up and I laid her down on the mat as instructed. She was fast asleep. How is she going to learn the signs, I thought? Don't worry, said tutor, you will need to learn them first anyway. This made sense. The class started to fill up with other moms and their children. We sat in a circle, with the babies and toddlers in the middle facing Mommy. The singing began.

No one had warned me about this. I don't mind singing to my baby at home alone - but not in company. My singing voice is seriously scary! And frighten the babies it did. No sooner had I started to sing, all the babies in the room began to cry. The other moms glared at me. I shut up but it was too late. Nobody in the room could hear the tutor as she tried to show us the signs for Monkey and Elephant - the babies were making too much noise. And Kaeden was the loudest of all.

We didn't try baby sign language again for a couple of months. When I started again I tried a different class, and both Kaeden and I enjoyed it more. Yes, there were songs, but I had learned my lesson and kept very quiet! Sitting with Kaeden on my lap, making signs to her while she gazed up at me, I experienced a flow of love for her so strong I wanted to cry. The feeling that I was teaching my baby her first words, her first signs, was like nothing on earth. That day we learned the signs for Hello and Mommy and Daddy and Milk and, I remember, for Happy. Which I certainly was.

I practiced at home, using the signs whenever I talked to Kaeden, and her daddy started to use a few signs too. We kept up with the classes for a few months, then I got some flash cards and a wall chart to help me learn new signs - and remember the ones I'd already learned. My reward came when Kaeden was seven months old, and she used the sign for More. I was so excited!

Now she has too many signs to count, and she talks real well too. In fact, she talked a lot earlier than many of my friends' children. As for toddler tantrums - we have a few, but not many. I still haven't had a chance to use the signs for Monkey or Elephant - but I'm sure I will one day.

Click here for more information on how to get started with your baby on
Baby Sign Language .

About the Author

A mother of a 2 year old boy and also a Baby Sign Language advocate. Signing is a very important step in the devalopment of your child. It is also a brilliant way for the two of you to communicate. To get more information on Baby Sign Language: including free video tutorials, sign language flash cards, and how to get started with baby sign language visit the
Baby Sign Language website.

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